Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

Ethereum Limited est une plate-forme de création de contrat intelligente

ETHEREUM Limited-nous avons commencé un nouvel article pour parler de ETHEREUM Limited, un nouveau projet qui va commencer sa pré-vente en seulement 75 jours, donc c'est le moment idéal pour vous informer sur ce projet et, si vous êtes intéressé, nous vous dirons Comment investir.

La première chose que nous devrions dire comme une étape précédente à l'examen de ETHEREUM Limited, est l'une des questions les plus courantes dans ce monde, et ce n'est autre que ce qui est un jeton ou une pièce de monnaie, où et comment puis-je stocker mes pièces? Eh bien, dans le cas de ETHEREUM Limited (nous sommes confrontés à un projet qui va travailler avec un jeton ERC20, IE ETHEREUM Limited est un projet à exécuter sur le réseau de ETHEREUM, de sorte que vous bénéficiez des vertus intrinsèques de ETHEREUM, à savoir, la haute sécurité et la vitesse , la décentralisation, l'anonymat et la grande stabilité.

En outre, comme avec tous les jetons ERC20, si à la fin, vous encourager à investir dans cette ico (n'oubliez pas de voir le projet, et si vous encourager, en avant) les jetons que vous acquerrez peut être confortablement stockées dans le monde célèbres portefeuilles ERC20; Par exemple le plus de MyEtherWallet commun ou masque de métal.

Parlant déjà strictement de ETHEREUM Limited, nous sommes confrontés à un projet cohérent qui aidera les gens sans connaissance de la programmation ou blockchain de créer des contrats intelligents, à appliquer à la vie réelle. Mais, pour ceux d'entre vous qui ne savent pas de quoi nous parlons, la première chose que nous devons faire est d'expliquer que c'est un contrat intelligent, un contrat intelligent est juste un protocole informatique destiné à faciliter, vérifier ou appliquer numériquement la négociation ou l'accomplissement d'un Contrat. Les contrats intelligents permettent d'effectuer des transactions crédibles sans une tierce partie. Ces transactions sont traçables et irréversibles. Les contrats intelligents ont la particularité que de nombreux types de clauses contractuelles peuvent être partielles ou entièrement auto-exécutables, l'exécution forcée, ou les deux. L'objectif des contrats intelligents est d'assurer une sécurité supérieure au droit contractuel traditionnel et de réduire les autres coûts de transaction associés à l'embauche. Plusieurs Criptomonedas ont déjà mis en œuvre des types intelligents de contrats, parmi eux, le plus connu est Ethereum, grâce à laquelle ERC20 jetons apparaissent.
L'application des contrats intelligents sera des plus variées:

  • compagnies d'assurance. Les compagnies d'assurance, au lieu d'attendre que les gens déposent leurs réclamations, peuvent commencer le processus par leur contrat futé.
  • droit d'auteur. Les livres, les chansons, les films, les documentaires ou tout ce qui peut avoir un droit d'auteur peuvent bénéficier de contrats intelligents. Il n'est pas nécessaire de contrôler manuellement les ventes de livres ou de chansons, le contrat Smart supervise tout et calcule le montant auquel chaque contributeur a droit.
  • échanges. Une fois que le contrat Smart reçoit à la fois des Fiat ou des cryptos à échanger, il continuera à exécuter l'action suivante incluse dans le contrat.
  • parcelles. Le suivi des conteneurs de fret serait beaucoup plus facile avec les contrats intelligents qui surveillent l'emplacement du bateau, du train ou de l'avion. Parce qu'ils sont informatisés, les contrats intelligents peuvent fournir le dernier emplacement connu du conteneur de cargaison toutes les heures ou chaque minute sans intervention humaine.
  • emploi. Les contrats intelligents peuvent enregistrer le nombre exact d'heures qu'un employé a travaillé pour suivre correctement le rendement et aussi pour faciliter les salaires salariaux.
  • hypothèque. Le prêt hypothécaire est un processus très compliqué et exige beaucoup de documents à remplir et à signer. Le contrat intelligent peut rendre l'ensemble du processus plus simple, plus facile et moins cher pour les deux parties.
  • logistique et Supply Chain. La gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement est au sujet du flux des marchandises des matières premières à un produit fini tel que la production d'automobile. Le contrat intelligent peut surveiller qui est responsable d'un nombre particulier de matières premières, à quelle heure il a été traité, et d'autres choses nécessaires pour suivre la productivité et l'efficacité de l'ensemble du processus de fabrication.
  • d'autres. Il ya encore plus d'applications pour les contrats intelligents qui n'ont pas été mentionnés ici et beaucoup plus à l'avenir.

Ce que nous proposons, en bref, est quelque chose qui couvre un besoin clair de la société en termes de contrats intelligents, parce que ce qui rend l'adoption massive de contrats intelligents difficiles est le manque de compétences en programmation. Et, tout le monde ne sait pas comment rédiger un contrat intelligent, car il nécessite une connaissance approfondie de la programmation.

ETHEREUM Limited est une plate-forme qui réside dans le ETHEREUM blockchain. C'est une plate-forme intelligente pour créer et exécuter des contrats. Les utilisateurs peuvent créer leurs propres contrats intelligents en répondant à quelques questions de bot.

Si un modèle n'est pas disponible sur la plate-forme, les utilisateurs peuvent aller sur le marché de plate-forme et Rechercher des modèles que d'autres utilisateurs vendent, et peuvent même demander à d'autres utilisateurs de créer un contrat futé personnalisé spécifiquement pour vos besoins, moyennant des honoraires qu'ils seraient d'accord. D'autre part, les écrivains à contrat intelligent peuvent faire de l'argent en vendant ou en créant des contrats intelligents personnalisés.

La plate-forme exigera le paiement pour créer et exécuter votre contrat futé.
Testnet serait libre d'utiliser pour tous, cependant. La plate-forme et le marché accepteront Bitcoin, Ethereum et Ethlimited avec une réduction de 50%.

Certainement un projet très réussi, qui n'a pas non plus de concurrents dans leur domaine, parce que l'idée est très nouvelle.

Si vous avez été désireux d'en savoir plus sur ce projet et que vous voulez de profondeur dans ses spécifications techniques et d'autres données d'intérêt, nous ne pouvons que vous encourager à lire son livre blanc, très travaillé et détaillé, avec lequel vous pouvez avoir une idée de l'ampleur de le PR Oyecto et le potentiel d'expansion et d'application si grande qu'il a.

Donc, je ne peux que vous encourager à rejoindre votre ico si vous avez aimé votre projet, il vous reste 40 jours.

Comme des données plus intéressantes de votre ico, nous pouvons dire que:
Jeton standard: ERC-20
Nom du jeton: ETHL
Nombre maximum de jetons: 10 millions
Vente publique: 6 millions (30% Crowdsale bonus)
Prix: 1 ETHL = 0,5 USD

ETHEREUM Limited Enfin, rappelez-vous que ce sont les réseaux sociaux du projet, grâce à laquelle vous serez en mesure de rester informé en tout temps. Aussi, si vous avez des questions n'attendez pas et contactez-les, ils seront heureux de répondre.

ALLOCATION de primes est au total de 1 500 000ETHL
5% réservé à l'équipe Bounty 5% campagne YouTube
5% de prime moyenne
10% campagne télégramme 10% Blog article campagne 15% traduction et campagne de modération
15% campagne Facebook 15% campagne Twitter 20% campagne de signature 

Informations détaillées:

Profile BTT: 

Ethereum address:


Selasa, 26 Juni 2018


Ciao a tutti, questa volta sarà poco spiegare su GUARIUM

Che cosa è moneta di guar?

Immaginate di essere il proprietario di un cryptocurrency che è possibile utilizzare in migliaia di negozi online in tutto il mondo. Ogni giorno, la moneta di guar sta guadagnando valore come è stato diffuso fin dall'inizio in una grande infrastruttura di distribuzione online.

Durante il debutto ufficiale, la moneta di guar sarà un bene forte nel mercato mentre fornisce una grande soluzione per i diversi investitori che osservano per trarre giovamento dalla crescita dinamica del loro valore.

Implementazione pianificata della tecnologia blockchain
Un sistema di affiliazione enorme e potente
Infrastruttura di E-Commerce
ecosistema di vendita
Token globale e cryptocurrency in futuro
Transazioni private

Schema di sistema generale

E-commerce Automation-sistema di vendita online completamente automatico
Utilizzando soluzioni innovative, i produttori e grossisti saranno in grado di sfruttare la potenza di centinaia di migliaia di negozi sparsi on-line gestito da imprenditori individuali di tutto il mondo. Una soluzione adatta sia ai mercati esistenti che a quelli nuovi.

In ognuno di questi negozi, si può fare l'acquisto per la moneta di guar, che vi darà un vantaggio significativo rispetto ad altri cryptocurrencies online.

Sistema di raccomandazione comune nei negozi online

Abbiamo creato un sistema in cui chiunque gestisce il proprio negozio online può consigliare prodotti provenienti da altri negozi. Immaginate un sistema di migliaia di negozi online, dove un cliente una volta raccomandato è permanentemente assegnato al referrer. L'utilizzo della tecnologia blockchain ci ha permesso di creare un sistema di produzione completamente automatizzato e di gestione del lavoro. E l'introduzione della moneta di guar nella rete di e-commerce semplificherà notevolmente lo shopping.

Ecco la tua occasione

È possibile acquistare gettoni di guar prima che siano ufficialmente srotolato. Sappiamo molto bene che il futuro dello shopping è su Internet e, con la giusta infrastruttura di automazione di e-commerce che stiamo costruendo, avremo un impatto significativo su come le persone acquistano online.

5 mld miliardi di dollari-valore del mercato dell'e-commerce in Europa
0,01 valore dei gettoni di guar in prevendita
il 10% dei gettoni di guar sarà distribuito nella fase pre-ico
35 mln milioni di dollari-obiettivo per la fase pre-ico
Prezzo di guar Coin in anticipo vendita 0,01 guar
Acquista oltre 100.000 gettoni di guar: 100% gratis

Verteilung von token und Fonds

Riconosciamo che molte persone sono coinvolte nella costruzione dell'intero sistema di automazione e-commerce. Fin dall'inizio, abbiamo programmato e programmato di distribuire i token a gruppi specifici di persone che sono coinvolti nel progetto di attuazione e quali importi sono coinvolti.

Soprattutto, abbiamo voluto apprezzare il grande ruolo dei primi investitori, che hanno acquistato i primi gettoni GuarCoin nella fase pre-ico. Pertanto, a parte il prezzo straordinario, abbiamo preparato i gettoni bonus per voi. Inoltre, per la fase ICO e per gli investitori che acquistano gettoni in questa fase, offriremo i loro prezzi leggermente più alti rispetto alla fase pre-ico.

L'unica differenza è che il prezzo sarà sempre più alto, a seconda della fase della fase in cui ci troviamo. Nella terza e quarta fase dell'ICO, un altro 30% dei gettoni sarà condiviso con la Comunità e i partner. Alcuni dei token coprono i costi di marketing e la pianificazione aziendale complessiva. Un altro è a disposizione dei consulenti dell'intero progetto, l'ultima parte è destinata alla gestione ed ai dipendenti.

Cartina stradale

= > gennaio 2016-infrastruttura di pianificazione
= > maggio 2016-macchine correlate
= > aprile 2017-I stage-sistema di database
= > dicembre 2017-integrazione con grossisti
= > gennaio 2018-la parte visiva del sistema di scambio di dati
= > aprile 2018-pre fase ico
= > giugno 2018-sistema di integrazione e gateway di pagamento
= > luglio 2018-offerta Koin
= > agosto 2018-pre-lancio e negozio online
= > ottobre 2018-l'inizio ufficiale dell'automazione del commercio elettronico
= > dicembre 2018-Virtual Mall-3D vista dal negozio
= > Marzo 2019-inizia a lavorare sul mercato cryptocurrency stesso
= > aprile 2019-espansione internazionale
= > agosto 2019-Hartgabel moneta di guar
= > dicembre 2019-durata era BLOKCHAIN

Condizioni legali


Grzegorz Ciupek-amministratore delegato, co-finanziatore
Rafał Gibas-responsabile tecnico
Rafał Malik-capo tecnico, ingegnere BLOCKCHAIN
Przemysław zottola-cio, VP dello sviluppo della piattaforma
Rafał Rzenno-responsabile marketing chef
Artur Ścibisz-Desinger creativo
Alicja siuda-CFO
Karolina Juda-Brand Manager
Bartłomiej Mytnik-Direttore manutenzione
Mateusz Kosiek-amministratore delegato
Katarzyna Butrym-responsabile servizio clienti
Anna Prygiel-responsabile ufficio contabilità


Leszek Forytta
Michał Krzyżanowski
Jacek Dudzic
Radosław Stawiarski
Przemysław Szczęch

Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte auf ihre offizielle sito Web:

 Profile BTT:;u=1704669 Ethereum address: 0xD60314E890d5838c1401cb3aFF3249437f36f0ef

Jumat, 22 Juni 2018

Dice money-Next Generation CRYPTOCURRENCY brings you CROWDMINE Fundin

What is Dice?

Dice abbreviated by digital certificate. This is a revolutionary cryptocurrency, the great simplicity and different operational model compared to the other functions. A new cryptocurrency and universal platform for the procurement of funds by cryptocurrency mining. One of its features that I find amazing is its ability to serve as an available cryptocurrency and traditional money, and it also creates a brand new conveyor for any business.


So that cubes can enter everyday life as a normal currency alternative to traditional money, while at the same time full decentralization gives the social groups the power to raise funds through Cryptomining.

In addition to participating in the IPO as an investor, it is possible to win dice tokens in the ' cluster model ' economy, in which numerous operators are supported by the miners. The miners have their new cubes, but the capitalization of the respective operator increases with the entire mining production. This makes an investor out of every miner, and choosing who will be the operator you give me for a totally personal decision. However, each operator is, in fact, a self-financing social structure built around a cause or entrepreneurial project.

Another unique feature of dice that I find interesting is that it works on a different principle, something similar to what offers in the real world are completed with a secure and confidential virtual handshake checked by a witness .


Cost: The cost of transaction fees in the cube model is free, so incentives for both sides come from elsewhere, not fees.
Decentralization: Dice is missing a single ledger that is present in the typical blockchain architecture. Rather, there are several ledgers as much as the operators in the global ecosystem that are either public or private.
Security: Dice is embedded in a new communication protocol that makes it virtually impossible to steal or hack. And since it's a physical nature to dice, it requires a copy of the actual data structure.
Offline mining: With cubes, mining can be done offline, with your comfort with fear of theft.
Speed and Scalability: This is an important factor because it determines the number of transactions that can be completed in microseconds. The dice model is based on a large number of unconnected small nodes that allow for maximum parallelization and unlimited scalability.

Token details

  • Token Name: Dice
  • Symbol: DICET
  • Type: ERC20
  • Allocation: 100 million Dicet
  • Token: 1ETH = 1000 Dicet

Ido ~ the new offer

The ever-increasing costs of public services have created new barriers to fresh start-up companies. Many ' consultants ' have managed to insert themselves between a new company and its potential market. Dice creates a new chance  "initial dice offer " to increase without the upfront costs associated with other models.


Dice Money is a commercial entity focused on the development and distribution of end-user products and solutions for the dice ecosystem. The purpose of dice Money's ico is to ensure the first market penetration of the cubes through the use of already established Blockchain technology. A secondary goal is to collect funds for the business and further development of the dice global ecosystem.

The ICO for financing cube money is in the form of a separate Ethereum-based ERC20 utility type token called "Dicet " (Exchange symbol  "CET "), which can be traded as a separate asset on the blockchain market. Dice money consists of 100 million dices, which are assigned in ethers prices and six stakeholder groups.

Token assignment

ICO-55 million
Core team-15 million
Consultants and employees-10 million
DMF Seed Fund-10 million
Pre-ico-5 million
Refferrals and donations-5 million

Ethereum address:

Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

KONIOS-die sicherste Austauschplattform für Cash & Crypto Währungen weltweit

KONIOS-die sicherste Austauschplattform für Cash & Crypto Währungen weltweit

Einleitung KONIOS ist, ein biologisches System für digitale Geld Zuführung und Gebrauch im täglichen Leben für Leute und Organisationen zu bilden. Die Elemente und Verwaltungen von der Bühne angeboten werden sollen, um die kryptographischen Geld-Rate und Anwendung in unserem Alltag zu verwenden. Konios Stage bietet die sicherste Handels Bühne für Geld und digitale Geldformen auf der ganzen Welt. Die Antwort für den lokalen und sorgfältigen Handel mit allen Fiat-und kryptographischen Formen des Geldes zwischen allen investierten Individuen, ist einzigartig. Die International einheitliche Handels Regel wird dezentral durch die Konios Blockchain gesichert.

Konios wurde von einem Team von Patrik Krasnic (CEO) und Mikel Krasniqi (CTO) hergestellt. Das Paar mischt die Kapazität der Web-Based Business von Krasnic und die Förderung der Kapazitäten der Krasniqi. Mit einer Gruppe von rund 10 verschiedenen Experten und vier Beratern. Wie vorher ausgedrückt, ist das Ziel von Konios, einfache Antworten für Einzelpersonen zu bilden, die Mittel in digitale Formen des Geldes einsetzen müssen. Seine Bühne bietet eine einfache Methode, um zu kaufen und bieten Crypto und Geld an, was Sie brauchen. Die Organisation vertraut darauf, dass Einschränkungen und Kontrollen sind schrecklich für die blockchain werben im Lichte der Tatsache, dass Sie das Geschäft Weg von der Entwicklung zu halten, so ist die Regelung Deregulierung.

Die Organisation bietet ebenfalls einen Platz für die Buchung von Verwaltungen auf der Bühne und mit digitalem Geld oder Fiat Cash bezahlt werden, die es über einen Handel machen wird. Sie können auch bieten Artikel auf der Off Chance, die Sie benötigen. Sie müssen einfach Foto Sie und danach haben Sie die Fähigkeit, Sie zu bieten, wann immer, dass Sie brauchen. Konios wird eine Ethereum-basierte Bühne sein. Dies impliziert, wird es von der Ethereum blockchain kontrolliert werden und nutzen scharfe Verträge für den Austausch.

Wie benutzt man Konios? 

Im Moment können Sie nicht nutzen Konios im Hinblick auf die Tatsache, dass die Bühne ist noch nicht in Betrieb, sondern es wird inmitten 2018 (auf Alpha-und Beta-Phase). Die Token der Organisation, Kon Tokens, werden für Sie unerlässlich, um die Verwaltungen zu erhalten. Sie können Sie auf dem Geschäft oder in den lufttröpfchen erhalten.

Die Konios ICO wird am 1. Mai beginnen und es wird die letzten 60 Tage. 1 Kon Token wird proportional zu $0,01 USD. Sie können Bitcoin, Ethereum, USD, CHF, GBP, EUR, RMB und KRW verwenden, um mittels Wallet-Tausch oder Banküberweisung zu bezahlen.

4% der aggregierten Kon-Token werden für frühe Unterstützer, die sich durch die Einschreibung bei der Organisation.

Erläuterungen hinter KONIOS • mit Hauptsitz in der Schweiz mit echten Business-Übungen und Geradlinigkeit für die Mitglieder.

• neuartige F2F-Bühne mit dezentralem Austausch.

• Grundsätzlich ist für eine geringe Summe kein Kunden Check erforderlich.

• Das Bühnenmodell wird für + ein halbes Jahr, inklusive Audit in der Schweiz, bearbeitet.

• eine engagierte Gruppe mit soliden Komplizen rund um den Globus.

• Blockchain selbst, um den Austausch einschließlich der SmartContract Assurance-Prozess unter der Börse zu bestätigen.

Konios Blockchain? 

Konios Blockchain füllt die Notwendigkeit der dezentralisierten Genehmigung und Prozess kümmert. Konios Blockchain dient Konios im Gebiet der Austausch Genehmigung, Austausch von Informations Bevorratung und Smart-Contract kümmert sich um. Im Hinblick auf das Endziel, die große Anzahl von Tokens und Münzen auf einer Bühne zu assoziieren und Sie schnell, sicher und dezentral auszutauschen, ist die Progression zu unserem eigenen blockchain der Schlüssel. Die ab jetzt bestehenden blockchain-Arrangements verwalten die Probleme, die sich inmitten ihrer Aufgabe ergeben. Konios hat das vernünftige Ziel, allen Individuen Zugang zum Crypto Showcase mit Geld, sicher und effektiv zu geben. Dieses Ziel beinhaltet Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, dezentrale Zulassung, gesetzliche Voraussetzungen und leicht verständliche Aufgaben. Diese Übungen und Besorgungen sind speziell auf die Konios Bühne. Mit dem Claim blockchain werden die in der Aufgabenstruktur gekennzeichneten Unternehmen in die blockchain Programmierung aufeinander abgestimmt.

Token Sale und ICO

KONIOS Token dienen als Access Point zu nutzen Plattform

Um Zugang zu Konios Plattform und seine Funktionen zu erhalten, muss die entsprechende Anzahl von Kon-Token zu Konios Wallet hinzugefügt werden. Ohne die notwendigen Mittel sind Plattformfunktionen nicht verfügbar. Die Integration von Token Kon in Konios Blockchain ist im Whitepaper Technical ausführlich beschrieben. Sie wird demnächst veröffentlicht.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:

Profile BTT: 

Ethereum address:


Senin, 11 Juni 2018

Qurrex najsigurniji Crypto Exchange

Qurrex s razvojem kripto tržište, ima sve više i više razmjene gdje korisnici mogu razmijeniti različite vrste žetona na najpovoljnijoj stopi. Budući da je industrija pojavila relativno nedavno, postoji niz problema u Kriptovaljutnoj području koje treba rješavati u bliskoj budućnosti. Ovaj popis uključuje nisku brzinu transakcije: to se odnosi na unos i izlaz sredstava; Nedostatak odgovarajuće zaštite osobnih podataka korisnika: krađa sredstava, sjeckanje baza podataka-negativne informacije ove vrste često se pojavljuju u medijima. Qurrex platforma će omogućiti dovođenje procesa cryptocurrency Trade na višu razinu. Ako njegova implementacija uspije, u procesu kupnje, prodaje tokena, korisnici će biti u mogućnosti pronaći najatraktivnijih counter zahtjeve u samo nekoliko sekundi. Osim toga, usluga će riješiti pitanja vezana uz likvidnost.

Značajke platforme

Qurrex je multifunkcionalna trgovačka platforma. Njegove aktivnosti bit će provedene na račun tehnologije Blockchain. To će riješiti probleme vezane uz sigurnu pohranu podataka. Programeri razumiju da će u bliskoj budućnosti svezaka trgovine kriptovaluta će rasti. Za to će se izračunati resurs sustava. Značajka usluge će biti hibridna arhitektura. Sustav će kombinirati decentralizirane, kao i centralizirane elemente. Sustav qurrex će formirati:

  • Centralizirana komponenta;
  • decentralizirana komponenta;
  • popis posebnih alata za pojednostavljeni proces trgovanja.

U stvari, qurrex će biti prvi visoke performanse kripto platforma. To će postići savršenu ravnotežu između sigurnosti imovine i brzine transakcije. Prema programeri, brzina obrade podataka će dosegnuti 70000 transakcija u sekundi.

Prednosti sustava

Možete istaknuti sljedeće pogodnosti koje qurrex platforma će imati:

  • sigurnost sredstava: razina zaštite korisničkih sredstava bit će dovedena na najvišu razinu;
  • praktičnost sučelja: kupci će cijeniti jednostavno i maksimalno dostupno sučelje, širok spektar korisnih alata. Uz njihovu pomoć, bit će moguće provesti analizu zanimljivih cryptocurrency. Uz posebnu primjenu, korisnici će moći pristupiti platformi;
  • transparentnost: tvrtka će redovito objavljivati izvještaje o vođenju aktivnosti. Svake godine qurrex će biti revidirana od strane jedne od četiri najveće revizijske tvrtke (Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, kao i Ernst & Young).

Dodatno, korisnik htijenje primiti grafički obnovljeno izvještaj na rezultat od trgovanje na položaj. Svaka interna torbica Kriptoinvestora će biti podložna obaveznom osiguranju. To će izbjeći velike financijske gubitke. Još jedan plus za Kriptotrejderov je planiran za stvaranje društvenog resursa za više slobodnih komunikacija.

Kako site će raditi programeri qurrex sustava plan za korištenje centraliziranih čvorova CEX tipa (vrsta likvidnosti bazen). Zahvaljujući njima, opterećenje na mreži će biti aliased. Centralizirani čvorovi će se koristiti za obradu, prijenos podataka na qurrex mreže. Centralizirani čvorovi bit će odgovorni za obavljanje funkcija potrebnih za osiguravanje učinkovite trgovine na razmjeni. Razmjena podataka bit će provedena iz knjiga o zahtjevima. Oni će odabrati najpovoljnije oblike za izvršenje postojećih ugovora.

Tko će imati koristi od qurrex platforme

Sljedeći sudionici mogu koristiti platformu-alate:

  1. korporativni ulagači;
  2. ostale kripto razmjene (s niskom likvidnošću);
  3. brokeri koji nastoje pronaći najprikladniju platformu za rad;
  4. privatni investitori: ovi sudionici će primati alate za analizu i operacije.

Implementacija ICO qurrex

Glavna faza ICO će se održati od lipnja 10 do 30, 2018. Za 1 Eth kupac će prikupljati 400 qrx. Od veljače 27 Ožujak 28 na pre-ICO za 1 je dao 800 qrx, ali minimalna investicija je 15 esters. A u ovom trenutku postoji posebna ponuda možete kupiti 500 kovanica za jedan eter. Hardkap projekta je postavljen na znak od 35.000.000 dolara, od kojih je 24 već uspješno prikupljeni.


Qurrex tim je formirana od strane najboljih trgovaca i stručnih savjetnika. Razvijaju učinkovita načela za tečajeve prognoziranje. Tijekom posljednjeg perioda, tim je usredotočen na proučavanje rada s raznim kripto imovine. Stručnjaci aktivno proučavaju probleme potencijalnih korisnika usluge i učinit će sve da ih riješe. Naravno, potrebno je vrijeme za provedbu osnovne ideje. Možete se upoznati s planom razvoja stranice pregledom putokaz. Stranica ima dobre izglede. Uostalom, Kriptoindustrija i dalje razvijati, publika s zadovoljstvom smatra nove, praktičnije platforme za rad. Svi comers će biti u mogućnosti ulagati u ICO-vrijeme ostaje.

Detaljni podaci:

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Ethereum address:


Payportal-plaćanje računa i transferi novca. Dođite i pridružite se!

Payportal platforma povezuje indijski davatelji usluga, kao što su banke, Mobile operateri, digitalni TV operateri i komunalne tvrtke s javnim kroz novčanik. Broj novčanika povezan je s brojem mobilnog vlasnika. Platforma se koristi prednosti osobnih računala i pametnih telefona, iOS i Android apps su dostupni. Cilj projekta je osigurati rješenje za kupce u koštac s sljedećim izazovima: redovite posjete različitih ureda za plaćanje mjesečnih računa, krađe novčanih kolektora, skupe i rizične prekogranične novčane novčane pošiljke, boraveći u redovima banaka, širokom Geografija logistika, non-Professional usluga podršku i pomoć, itd.


Payportal usluge Private Limited je projekt koji ima za cilj biti tvrtka koja povezuje tržište Telekom koji je u privatnom vlasništvu. To je osnovana pod zakonima Indije u 2011 godina. Prednost od payportal platforma je da Internet povezivanje indijanski davatelj mrežne usluge kao što je koji se kreće operator, banka, koji se tiče prsta televizija operator i korisni programi tvrtke sa narod okolo svjetski dan koristeći novčanik i na vezi naboj prerađen, paying računi i Native transfera novca. Platforma je dostupna za online kupce i maloprodaju. Glavne payportal prioriteti i ciljevi su jeftiniji i transparentan prekogranične novčane uplate iz indijske migrante u svoju domovinu i plaćanje računa Pan-Indija.

Dolaze iz Indije

Payportal usluge privatni Limited (u daljnjem tekstu "payportal") je privatno u vlasništvu tvrtke koja je osnovana u 2011 pod zakonima Indije.

Trenutno poslovno područje payportal je Delhi, gdje smo uspješno upravljati 80 distributera i 2300 trgovaca. Payportal tim ima 21 osoba s najviše u razvoju i prodaji.

Na temelju tehnologija iz novčanika Blockchain planiramo razviti:

prekogranični prijenos novca usluga između indijske migrante živi u inozemstvu i njihove obitelji u domovini. Pptl kovanice će biti prihvatljiv kao sredstvo plaćanja i da će biti Konvertibilna u indijske rupija za konačnu nogu transakcije.

program lojalnosti za kupce i maloprodaju kao dodatnu motivaciju za povećanje poslovanja i lojalnog ponašanja na payportal.

Decentralizacija podataka za zaštitu informacija u slučaju kvara hardvera ili napada hakera
Geografski proširenje na druge gradske područja Mumbai, Bangalore, pune i Jaipur je ključno za payportal rast i pptl potražnje.


Profile BTT:;u=1704669 Ethereum address: 0xD60314E890d5838c1401cb3aFF3249437f36f0ef

Jumat, 08 Juni 2018

Web wallet eInc

Web wallet eInc

Web wallet eInc is an application making a free open source web wallets, similar to myetherwallet Ethereum. With the application a Web Wallet eInc, you can Transact with blockchain eInc, in a way that seamlessly and without friction.

Build your each cryptocurrency ecosystem around our blockchain, you will be asked to create a complete node which is important to keep transactions secure and decentralized. But not everyone has the space required to store the entire blockchain on their system.

So we offer our web wallets eInc application itself to assist in such scenarios. Web wallet storing tokens not eInc eInc you, not help you create your own eInc wallet, which helps keep Your secure token. And it also enables you to communicate and broadcast deals eInc.

We have to write down a simple and easy to follow guide below that will help you make your wallet as well as dealing with eInc Web Wallets:

1: create a Wallet
Go to
Enter your password and click "create a new Wallet " on a Web Wallet eInc.

Save Your Private Key. You can download the file. An encrypted JSON which is a hash of your private key and can decrypt the file through the Keystore.

* Don't lose this file because it will be necessary to restore your account.

Now copy and store the private key in your system or any devices that are safe, because through this key only you can conduct transactions.

Enter the address to access the private key wallet in the screen shown below.

You will find the address of the account which you can save for future reference. Also, download a paper Purse so you can access your account anytime.

2: Continue the transaction

To send a token, you can open
Click Send Aether & Token.
Select one of the options below:
(1) the Keystore/JSON File: Upload JSON file that you have downloaded to Transact

Or (2) private key: enter the private key that you saved in Your device or system. Each of these steps will lead you to the page below.

Enter the sender's address and the number of token eInc who you want to send, and press on generate.

You will be asked for confirmation, press "Yes! I am sure, do the transaction ". And your transaction will be successfully processed. We hope this guide can help you understand Web application usability eInc Wallet. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Profile BTT: 

einc address :



FTEC developers manage the works with an opportunity as a client of financial business to gain an advantage with the crypto offerings occupying the use with a selection of different functional features to help as maximizing performance with the work of the trade as traders might work on the decision as displacing the use of systematic strategy and follows the latter to reach and collect the reward good results with the entrance on the field with the financial market exchange crypto.

Traders and investors to connect in a network membership system with field blockchain FTEC and employ the use of limits to the risk on the submissions and put together with the returns that may be to obtain a better with on precision and follow as managing plan with the same or similar systems and strategies and put together into a special wallet for withdrawal requests.

With a custom template for placing the merchant the details with the initials as a reference the level of checks to manage as a limit to the number of the preset collection as complete use of targets in running conditions with crtypo trade finance.

The CoinBot feature offers to traders to manage the session with a discussion as referring to each of the personal selection of the system as a reference for the strategy to work on appeal as the closing trade with minimum risk and more a lot of good resources with a good readiness of FTEC developers.

Different from each with analytical system signals from the technical models of different users to go as far as a trader to manage and costs are better at managing the use of job evaluation and to improve the work with the system as running in market preferences details as a field goal.
FTEC developers manage opportunities as clients of business in financing crypto for a profit with offerings occupying the use with a selection of different functional features to help maximize performance as with the job of trade as traders might work on the decision as a substitute for the use of a systematic strategy and follows the latter to reach and collect the reward good results with the entrance on the field with the market financial crypto exchanges.

The CoinBot feature offers to traders to manage the session with a discussion as referring to each of the personal selection of the system as a reference for the strategy to work on appeal as the closing trade with minimum risk and more a lot of good resources with a good readiness of FTEC developers.

The difference of each analytic system with signals from the technical models of different users to run as far as a trader to manage costs better on interesting use of a job evaluation and to improve work with the system as running in market preferences details as a field goal.

Traders work the focus with the help of the framework the framework for applying the technical inspection of personal preference as managing analytical tasks run with token positions of the market and restore the signal of the option to be included with the request order when preparing a new position with the graphics on the market by decision as replacing the use of spare parts from a number of risks and gather as the closure orders to follow the order of extended and finished as the plan the terms of repayment with settled with opportunity as the Manager of the entrance with a time line
sign in as a work of projection to the plane of the business with the financial world decication of crypto.

To learn more about the FTEC, please visit the following link.

Profile BTT: 

Ethereum address:


Rabu, 06 Juni 2018

Flycare Medicine

All of us are unfortunately more, so this topic is dedicated to today's ICO. The topic of health care is perhaps the most burning topic that exists throughout the history of mankind. Medicine does not stand still, invent new drugs, improved methods of treatment, as well as without attention is not the organization of the medical process. But still the problem  "remote " treatment is still relevant, because it is not always possible to visit a doctor.

This problem was Flycare company, which will provide its mobile application for Blokchejne, which is designed to simplify the "remote care" of the patient's health. Flycare is designed to unite in a single network of patients, doctors clinics, hospitals, as well as industrial production from the pharmaceutical and health sector.

Company Flycare produces the same name application for mobile devices. With this application, each patient will be  "in contact " With the selected doctor in real time. This is relevant for patients who are on home treatment. Moreover, attached flycare can connect to medical equipment to obtain and manage data. The company has contracted to jointly develop medical equipment together with industrial giants to improve communication between physicians and their patients. This is a revolutionary combination of honey. Equipment (FlyBOX) and mobile devices, allowing to carry out qualitative care at home.

The application FlyBOX was developed with the help of medical workers, and different directions.

Two years of research and development have allowed Flycare to create a perfect FlyBOX module for home observation, easy to use and easily portable. Cooperation with NWT Germany allowed Flycare to gain experience working with a company that has been working for more than 20 years in the cosmetic and medical industries.

FlyBOX not only has permission to use medical equipment, but it also has a database of necessary medications, from which the doctor can recommend to his patient for admission.
The company Flycare, having established partner relations with industrial companies, will provide constant basic and additional training through practical trainings which will be organized by its partners. The partnership between Flycare specialists and producers contributes to the development of research and development of new drugs.

Obtaining a profession of medical is often costly, requiring a substantial financial base to acquire the necessary material for doing business, without guaranteeing immediate financial returns. The real estate issue is also an important point in this direction. For business it will be necessary to pay rent. Flycare simplifies the way to get medical education to its partners, and also provides access to the acquisition of FlyBOX equipment.

The Flycare team has issued its own FCC token for internal cash circulation. What exactly will this achieve? Because the token is built on the ERC20 protocol, the Smart Contracts feature will be available. The integrity of transactions is ensured by registering them on a secure from unauthorized access registry, shared by all users with their constant traceability.

Now the company Flycare passes Slim ICO to raise funds for the implementation of its project. Now at the pre-sale stage of the FCC tokens you can purchase at the price of $0.2 for one coin. The sale will end on June 11.
Sum. I believe that the Flycare team took the decision to solve a significant problem. The health area is one of the overarching. Implementation of the idea will give first of all the possibility of home care for patients who are bedridden or not having the opportunity to go outside. It will also make life easier for people who have hours of work and do not have time to monitor their health.

Below I attach all the necessary links:

Profile BTT: 

Ethereum address:
