Minggu, 01 Juli 2018

Overview of the Zecash project

The relevance of the electronic market is increasing every day. There are users who regret that at the time they did not buy Bitcoins at a low price. Revolution in Transactions of electronic currencies produced a profitable project Zecash. He has all chances to become the next Bitcoin, thanks to the versatility: new ways of placement, operational network operation, autonomous functions, security protocol.

The young electronic currency originated in October 2016, and the idea of its creation appeared in 2014. At the same time specialists from different institutions began to work on the safe Protocol "Zerocash".

E-commerce, online business and retail stores will benefit from a modern project. Thanks to it, client transactions in a reliable decentralized area will become faster.

What is the benefit of the Zecash platform? 

Participants of currency trading and investors of the known ICO development will certainly be interested.

The project has features that attract users: 

  • Online processing. Thanks to the platform, Lightning Network processes instant payments and makes fast delivery. 
  • Zeprotocol – Pos payment processing system at the highest level of reliability. 
  • Price controller. The project will not allow sharp jumps in the value of currency, as it is not profitable for its owners. 
  • Awards. Keeping the virtual money in your purse, you can get a solid profit. 
  • Decentralization. The internet is a kind of large information management system, including cryptocurrency. Therefore, global transactions Zecash recorded. 
  • Anonymizer. Special features of the platform make processing of operations secret, using remixes and signatures of calls. 
  • Purse Zewallet, which is a quick exchange with other electronic services. The Internet version can be used today: test it and analyze the possibilities. The owner of the purse will be able to buy zch tokens with a 10% discount, even in the early ICO stages. 

What problem does the project solve? 

The biggest difficulty that users are unhappy with is a solid commission. Moreover, processing is slow, as participants and expenses become more and the resources to solve the problem are exhausted. Other projects almost do not search for the source of the transaction and the entire financial history of the participant. Anonymity is also in question. But Zecash is a decentralized cryptocurrency with transparent initial code that provides high secrecy. Thanks to the protocols, outsiders will not be able to find out the name of the sender, the addressee and the amount of money sent.

Zecash Atilim Digital is the optimal output for cryptocurrency transactions.

Earnings on updates and trade Zecash is equipped with the Proof of Stake protocol, which handles each transaction. The protocol "Staing" is responsible for any owner of the electronic purse and for all the funds that are stored there. The amount of available currency depends on the profit level, up to 5% monthly.

Perhaps the platform will soon compete with popular Kriptodengami, such as Bitcoin, Jefirium, Lajtkoin, Dash. Zecash can provide the same amount and volatility.

All about the token the project described does not differ much from others in terms of crowdfunding through the public sales of its currency zch, which gives the profit necessary for the future fulfillment of all the plans of the team leaders. 

Zch fits standard ERC-20, and it is possible to buy it on currencies BTC, ETH, LTC, XMR, DASH and BCH.

Today the company has released 500 mln. tokens, each of which costs $0.1.

Hardkap of the project – 35 mln. Usd.

Softkap of the project – 20 mln. Usd.

The team of leaders creator and CEO of the platform-Zooko Wilcox.

The scientific composition is also represented by the best specialists, such as I. Ben-Saona, A. Chiesa, K. Garman, M. Greene.

Engineering is engaged in: N. Wilcox, D. Hopwood, S. Bowie, D. Grieg.

On creation of cryptocurrency the guide advises: G. Andersen, E. Miller, A. Brejtman and the developer of platform Jefirium. Buterin.

It is clear that the list of people realizing such a profitable project can continue. 

Detailed information about the project: 

comment and contacts of the author to date in cryptocurrency is the leader of Bitcoin, but market trends are unpredictable. Most likely, Zecash will become a worthy alternative to the basic virtual money, so experts advise to invest in the project. 

Ethereum address: 0xD60314E890d5838c1401cb3aFF3249437f36f0ef

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